Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 in review

2019 was a pretty good year for literacy for me.  I need to remind myself of this from time to time.  I didn't read quite as much as I wanted, but I read a lot of great books and had a lot of good discussion about them with friends.  This is something that I want to continue to do and do more of in 2020.
This year I compiled the index for a friend's book, Cavaliers and Economists, and published two essays on tor.com - one about Jack London's dystopian novel The Iron Heel, and the other about Isaac Asimov's use of encyclopedism in Foundation.  I posted a bunch here, as well.  Finally, I started working on some fiction writing projects.  I don't have anything ready to go public yet, but it feels good to work o this, as well.

Looking forward, I want to continue to get involved in the local writers' community and continue to get my work out to a reading audience.  I think next steps really are about making connections with other writers and finding ways to make use of my experience and training in education.  

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