Monday, February 3, 2020

Modern pulp

I picked up Michael Mammay's Spaceside at the grocery store on a whim.  It looked pulpy and it did not disappoint.  Apparently this is the sequel to a novel called Planetside that I did not read, and probably will not.  It isn't that I didn't enjoy this one, but more like I have enough things sitting on my shelf and on my amazon wish list that it seems unlikely that I will feel inspired to make time for this.  However, I do tend to pick books up for worse reasons, so it is always possible.
This was a good quick read blending mystery and thriller elements in with sci-fi.  The main character is a man with a history (if I had read the preceding novel, I probably would not have had to piece so much of it together, but I picked it up) who sets out on a new mission.  He does end up redeeming himself to some extent.
All of this is to be expected.  The thriller and action elements were stronger than the sci-fi because the author seems to really enjoy descriptions of combat strategy, particularly when ground troops are backed up from above.  The movements of his warring groups are precise, whether they are alien combatants or rival corporations.  The main character gets involved in a sort of interstellar corporate espionage plot that gets a little muddled in the middle.
In the end, I liked it but am having trouble remembering details about it even a couple of days after finishing it.

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