Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 books

Best book of the year:  Hex
runner up: Radicalized

I don't always write about everything that I read.  For what it's worth, here is a list of all of the books I read this year.

Anders, Charlie Jane.  The City in the Middle of the Night.
Anderson, Poul.  Planet of No Return.
---.  The War of Two Worlds.
---.  World without Stars.
Asimov, Isaac.  Second Foundation.
---.  Foundation's Edge.
---.  Foundation and Earth.
---.  Prelude to Foundation.
Bradbury, Ray.  The Martian Chronicles.
Cebula, Geoff.  The Adjunct.
Cline, Leonard.  God Head.
Corey, James SA.  Abaddon's Gate.
---.  Cibola Burn.
---.  Nemesis Games.
Dillard, Annie.  The Writing Life.
Doctorow, Cory.  Radicalized.
Due, Tananative.  My Soul to Keep.
Golding, William.  The Inheritors.
Halliday, Brett.  Nice Fillies Finish Last.
Hart, Rob.  The Warehouse.
Herbert, Frank.  Children of Dune.
---. God Emperor of Dune.
Hill, Joe.  Full Throttle.
---.  Heart-Shaped Box.
---.  Nos4a2.  
Jay, Martin.  Marxism & Totality.
Kaku, Michio.  Physics of the Future.
King, Stephen.  Firestarter.
---.  On Writing.
Lee, M. Jonathan.  337.
Kolbert, Elizabeth.  The Sixth Extinction.
Lamott, Anne.  Bird by Bird.
Lethem, Jonathan.  Motherless Brooklyn.
MacDonald, John D.  Nightmare in Pink.
Max, D.T.  Every Love Story is a Ghost Story.
Newitz, Annalee.  The Future of Another Timeline.
Ntshanga, Masande.  Triangulum.
O'Brien, Tim.  In the Lake of the Woods.
Olde Heuvelt, Thomas.  Hex.
Paulos, John Allen.  Innumeracy.
Ramone, Marky.  Punk Rock Blitzkrieg: My Life as a Ramone.
Robinson, Kim Stanley.  Red Moon.
Rowling, JK.  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Rule, Ann.  The Stranger beside Me.
Saunders, George.  In Persuasion Nation.
---.  Civilwarland in Bad Decline.
Scalzi, John.  Red Shirts.
Stephenson, Neal.  Atmosphaera Incognita.
Tchaikovsky, Adrian.  Children of Ruin.
Weir, Andy.  The Martian.
---.  Artemis
Wells, H.G.  The First Men in the Moon.
---.  The Invisible Man.
Wells, Martha.  Artificial Condition.
---.  Rogue Protocol.
---.  Exit Strategy.
White, Corey J.  Killing Gravity.

... & the books I started but didn't finish...

Goldberg, Natalie.  Writing Down the Bones.
Pallister, Charles.  The Quincunx.
Trout, Kilgore.  Venus on the Half-Shell.
Wallace, David Foster.   Everything and More.

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